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Bio-Hydra-Restore-Creme – 71 % Aloe Vera, Moringa-Öl und Reishi-Pilz


13 Bewertungen
Angebot€32,00 Regulärer Preis€38,00

Die Curaloe Hydra Restore Cream mit ihrem herrlichen natürlichen Duft pflegt die Haut durch Wiederherstellung des Wasserhaushaltsund hilft dabei, auffüllen Und mollig die Haut und verhindert gleichzeitig einen unerwünschten öligen Glanz. Außerdem wirkt es effektiv reduziert Fältchen für den glatten letzten Schliff!

Perfekt für alle Hauttypen, insbesondere bei besonders trockener Haut, spendet tiefenwirksam Feuchtigkeit und beugt vorzeitiger Hautalterung vor.

Diese luxuriöse Creme sorgt dafür, dass sich die Haut weich, geschmeidig und genährt anfühlt. langanhaltende Feuchtigkeitsversorgung. Erleben Sie die ultimative Hauterneuerung und stellen Sie das natürliche Gleichgewicht Ihrer Haut mit Curaloe Hydra Restore Cream wieder her und zeigen Sie Ihre jugendliche Ausstrahlung!

Aktive pflanzliche Inhaltsstoffe

🌿 71% Aloe Vera 🍄 Reishi Pilz
🌰 Moringa-Samenöl 🌱 Kakaobutter
🌰 Sesamöl 🍇 Beerenextrakt
🌰 Süßmandelöl 💧 Arganöl
🌻 Sonnenblumenöl 🌱 Petitgrainöl
💜 Lavendelöl 🍃 Grünes Minzöl


  • Falten reduzieren
  • Tiefe Hydratation
  • Stellt das natürliche Gleichgewicht und jugendliche Aussehen der Haut wieder her
  • Leichte Feuchtigkeitscreme für den Tag
  • 50 ml
  • Geeignet für alle Hauttypen, insbesondere für sehr trockene Haut und jüngere Haut

Natural Ingredients

Gentle for All


Curaloe Organic Hydra Restore Cream - 71% Aloe Vera for Youthful Skin
Bio-Hydra-Restore-Creme – 71 % Aloe Vera, Moringa-Öl und Reishi-Pilz Angebot€32,00 Regulärer Preis€38,00
Curaloe Organic Hydra Restore Cream - 71% Aloe Vera for Youthful Skin

Bio-Hydra-Restore-Creme – 71 % Aloe Vera, Moringa-Öl und Reishi-Pilz

Why It’s Special

Reduzieren Sie Falten
Tiefenwirksame Feuchtigkeitsversorgung
Stellen Sie das natürliche Gleichgewicht und das jugendliche Aussehen der Haut wieder her

Hero Ingredients

Discover the power of nature with our carefully selected ingredients, each chosen for their unique benefits, providing your skin with the nourishment it craves for a radiant and youthful appearance

Why It Works

Aloe Vera

Hydrates, soothes irritation and promotes healing.

Aloe vera is a remarkable ingredient in skincare, known for its exceptional hydrating and soothing properties. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it effectively moisturizes the skin while calming irritation and reducing redness, making it ideal for treating conditions like sunburn, acne, and eczema. Additionally, aloe vera accelerates wound healing and helps diminish the appearance of scars, contributing to an overall healthy complexion. Aloe vera is essential for achieving hydrated, soothed, and rejuvenated skin while effectively addressing irritation and promoting healing.

Works Best For:
• Oily skin
• Sensitive skin
• Combination skin
• Acne-prone skin
• Sunburned skin

Why It Works

Sesame Seed Oil

Hydrates, soothes irritation and protects against acne.

Sesame seed oil is a versatile skincare ingredient, rich in antioxidants, vitamins E and B, and essential fatty acids that nourish and hydrate the skin. Its deep moisturizing properties make it effective for combating dryness while its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities help soothe conditions like eczema and acne. Sesame seed oil also improves skin elasticity and can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Sesame seed oil is vital for achieving hydrated, soothed, and protected skin while effectively treating irritation and preventing breakouts.

Works Best For
• Oily skin
• Sensitive skin
• Dry skin
• Acne-prone skin

Why It Works

Moringa Seed Oil

Nourishes, protects against environmental damage and reduces inflammation.

Moringa oil is a powerhouse in skincare, renowned for its rich nutrient profile, including antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E. This lightweight oil deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin while protecting against environmental stressors. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it effective for treating conditions like acne and eczema, while its antibacterial qualities help prevent breakouts. Moringa oil also enhances skin elasticity and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, contributing to a youthful complexion. In summary, moringa oil is essential for achieving nourished, protected, and revitalized skin while effectively addressing irritation and promoting a clear complexion.

Works Best For:
• Oily skin
• Combination skin
• Acne-prone skin
• Sensitive skin