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Puur Aloë Vera-supplement uit extract van het binnenblad - Vitamin Shot - 100% Aloë Vera


6 Beoordelingen

Begin uw dag goed met een 100% puur aloë vera supplement. Als u op zoek bent naar een natuurlijke en gezonde manier om uw dieet aan te vullen, dan is dit het antwoord.

Curaloe Aloe Vera Vitamin Shot wordt geproduceerd uit puur Aloë Vera blad extract (binnenste blad, geen vruchtvlees). Curaloe Aloe Vera Vitamin Shot bevat alle vitaminen en mineralen die nodig zijn om een ​​gezond immuunsysteem, normale gastro-intestinale functie en een gezond, goed gestabiliseerd spijsverteringsstelsel te ondersteunen. Curaloe Aloe Vera Vitamin Shot is een geweldig alternatief voor het nemen van meerdere vitaminen en mineralen en voorziet het lichaam van een schat aan essentiële voedingsstoffen en mineralen. Het pure Aloë Vera blad extract (binnenste blad) is van nature rijk aan belangrijke polysacchariden en aminozuren. Deze ondersteunen ons immuunsysteem en bevorderen een gezonde immuunreactie.


  • Helpt fysieke vermoeidheid en moeheid te verminderen.*
  • Ondersteunt een normale darmfunctie.*
  • Heeft een positief effect op het immuunsysteem.*
  • Ondersteunt een gezonde huid.*

Eén dagelijkse dosis (1 fl.oz) bevat:

  • Vitamine: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E.
  • Foliumzuur en Choline
  • Calcium, magnesium, zink, chroom, selenium, natrium, ijzer, kalium, koper en mangaan


  • 1 fles = 17-daagse behandeling
  • Drink dagelijks Curaloe Health Supplement 30 ml, puur of gemengd met water of vruchtensap

    Vrij van: Gluten, Tarwe, Gist, Soja, Maïs, Zuivel en Suiker.
    Er zijn geen kleurstoffen toegevoegd.

    Aloë Barbadensis (Vera) bladsap, citroenzuur (E330 zuurteregelaar), natriumerythorbaat (E316 om de versheid te behouden), kaliumsorbaat (E202 om de versheid te behouden), natriumbenzoaat (E211 om de versheid te behouden)

    *Vrijwaring*: Deze uitspraken zijn niet geëvalueerd door de Food and Drug Administration. Dit product is niet bedoeld om ziekten te diagnosticeren, behandelen, genezen of voorkomen.

    Aloe Vera juice offers a refreshing way to support your health. It promotes better digestion, helps soothe the gut, and aids in nutrient absorption. Rich in antioxidants, it hydrates the body, supports immune function, and can contribute to healthier skin. Additionally, Aloe Vera juice may help regulate blood sugar levels and support detoxification

    Natural Ingredients

    Gentle for All


    Curaloe Pure Aloe Vera Supplement - 100% Aloe Vera Vitamin Shot

    Puur Aloë Vera-supplement uit extract van het binnenblad - Vitamin Shot - 100% Aloë Vera

    Why It’s Special

    • Immune Support: Aloe Vera boosts the immune system with essential vitamins.

    • Digestive Health: Promotes normal intestinal function and gastrointestinal health.

    • Energy Boost: Reduces fatigue and enhances vitality.

    • Rich in Nutrients: Packed with vitamins A, B, C, E, and minerals like calcium and magnesium.

    • Skin Health: Supports healthy, glowing skin with natural nutrients.

    • Convenient Supplement: 100% pure Aloe Vera inner leaf extract, no pulp.

    Hero Ingredients

    Discover the power of nature with our carefully selected ingredients, each chosen for their unique benefits, providing your skin with the nourishment it craves for a radiant and youthful appearance

    Why It Works

    Aloe Vera Juice

    Promotes healing, soothes irritation, and enhances hydration.

    Aloe Vera is celebrated for its healing, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing properties, making it a staple in health care and wellness. When consumed orally, Aloe Vera aids in digestive health by soothing gastrointestinal issues, such as heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), while also detoxifying the body. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, Aloe Vera nourishes the skin and boosts immune function, ensuring overall well-being. This ingredient is essential for enhancing healing, deep hydration, and skin resilience, making it a vital addition to any wellness routine.

    Works Best For:
    • Digestive issues, such as heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    • Skin conditions, including sunburn, acne, and eczema
    • Wound healing, helping to accelerate the recovery of cuts and burns

    Why It Works


    Boost immunity, support gut health, and improve overall energy.

    Polysaccharides, complex carbohydrates found in plants, fungi, and algae, offer numerous health benefits when consumed orally. They are known for their immune-boosting properties, helping to strengthen the body’s defence mechanisms against infections and illnesses. Additionally, polysaccharides promote gut health by supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria and improving digestion. Their ability to provide sustained energy makes them a valuable ingredient for enhancing physical endurance and mental clarity. Polysaccharides are important for strengthening the immune system, improving digestion, and boosting energy levels.

    Works Best For:
    • Immune support, enhancing the body’s ability to fight off infections
    • Digestive health, supporting gut bacteria and improving digestion
    • Energy levels, providing sustained energy and reducing fatigue
    • Reducing inflammation, aiding in joint and muscle recovery

    Why It Works

    Amino Acids

    Support muscle growth, enhance recovery, and promote overall wellness.

    Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and play a vital role in various body functions when consumed orally. They are essential for muscle growth and repair, making them crucial for athletes and individuals recovering from injury or illness. Amino acids also help regulate metabolism, improve cognitive function, and support immune health. By providing the body with the necessary components to build proteins, they are key to maintaining energy levels, enhancing recovery, and supporting overall wellness. Amino acids are important for muscle recovery, boosting metabolism, and maintaining healthy bodily functions.

    Works Best For:
    • Muscle growth and repair, particularly after exercise or injury
    • Improving recovery time, reducing muscle soreness
    • Supporting metabolic function, including fat metabolism
    • Boosting cognitive function, improving mental clarity and focus